It was a honor to be in this class. I have learned a lot, met new teahers and new peopel that are fantastic. This classes it has served to learn how to teach the english for young learners. New methodology, materials, and so on. I hope that I will use all of this in my future, and teach better, with more plays to the pupils.
Today in the class we have seen jolly phonics' speech. The pronunciation of the teacher is very important for the pupils, to get it and know the words well. If you don not know how to pronunce a word, it is better to learn how to do it, because when you tell something in the class, the pupils don not know if that is rhigt or wrong. So it is important prepare the future teachers, to have a good pronunciation and good rhythm. Then we have tell a story for the rest of the class, with draws instead of words. That is for the children, to know the story, because they don not know how to read, but they undertand the draws.