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The last class

It was a honor to be in this class. I have learned a lot, met new teahers and new peopel that are fantastic. This classes it has served to learn how to teach the english for young learners. New methodology, materials, and so on. I hope that I will use all of this in my future, and teach better, with more plays to the pupils.
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The twenty-second class

Today in the class we have seen jolly phonics' speech. The pronunciation of the teacher is very important for the pupils, to get it and know the words well.  If you don not know how to pronunce a word, it is better to learn how to do it, because when you tell something in the class, the pupils don not know if that is rhigt or wrong.  So it is important prepare the future teachers, to have a good pronunciation and good rhythm. Then we have tell a story for the rest of the class, with draws instead of words. That is for the children, to know the story, because they don not know how to read, but they undertand the draws. 

The twenty-first class

Today in the class we have done the rest of the exhibition: unit 4 numbers, colors and shapes; unit 5 the world around us and unit 6 festivities.  We have learned a lot of materials, activities, methodology, etc. to use it in the class with our children.  This class is very important to us because in the future we need some material, some resources to use in the class. It is very important the theory too, but you need how to use it. 

The twentieth class

Today we have done an exhibition about the basic language activities, that are: Roll the ball:The children roll the ball to each other, ask and answer questions.   Go and fine: The teacher gives instruction and the dhicldren run to the correct picture. Fetching: The children listen to instructions and fetch the correct item. Drawing on the board: The children draw on the board according to the teacher´s instructions.  Recognition: The children select an object in a picture according to the teacher´s instructions. Stop the difference: The children try to find differences between two pictures.  Then we have done some app to practice vocabulary in the class. This is very interesting because you can teach the children in difference way, and they probably learn more because is more interactive and it is something thath they do not do it before. 

The nineteenth class

We have done a theatre in the class, with paper puppet. The text is: Where is the dog? The dog is in the box. Where is the cat? The cat is on the car. Where is the bird? The bird is on the bed. Where is the frog? The frog is behind the dor. Where is the horse? The horse is on the floor. Where is the monkey? The monkey is jumping on the pumkin. And where are you? I am with all of you. Then we have done a story with a die, this die have some images with characters, the place, and so on, to do a story.  I like so much this class because we have some materials to do activitites for very young learners, and how to use it. 

The eighteenth class

We have done some exhibition about activitites that we can do in pre-primary education about phonemas, sounds, letters, etc.  Later we have done an activity to tell a chant with puppets.  In this class we have learned about how to teach phonemas with the jolly phonics metodoloy.

The seventeenth class

Todya we have learned google cheats. These tools can hel us in our class room to teach new things in different way.  For example you can do a questionnaire in google drive and the pupil have to answer the questions.  Other cheat is make stories with storyjump or with other kind of tool thath you can find on internet.  All of these is very usefull to use in the class, because the pupils learn faster, due to you teach in a different way.