In this class we have learned the rhymes songs and jazz chants. These are resources to work in class. It is a way to learn the contents in pre-primary education, that is active, where the child learn playing.
You can teach a song with a structure, first you teach the first sentence, then the second, then repeat the first and the second, and so on. You cannot teach the song non-stop.
I like to much this class because you will use a lot the songs, the rhymes and the jazz chants to teach new things.
I attached a jazz chants:
Where is the dog?
The dog is in the box.
Where is the cat?
The cat is on the car.
Where is the bird?
The bird is on the bed.
Where is the frog?
The frog is behind the door.
Where is the horse?
The horse is on the floor.
Where is the monkey?
The monkey is jumping on the pumkin.
And where are you?
A im with all of you.
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