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The ninth class

We have readen the common european framework document. This document address about the common language in europe, taht it is good because you can travel to other countries and speak with other people. In addition, it is important too protect the minority language.
There are four important things for the education: knowledge, skills and know-how, existential and ability to learn. 
Apart form this, there are three types of comunicative linguistic competence: linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence. 
In sum up,this class is usefull because we have learned what level of language we have, and how we can evaluate to know what level have other people. Even more, it is importatn to have a good level to can teach in other language. 


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The second class

Today, just like yesterday, it was the fisrt day with the professor Maribel. She tell us waht we are going to do during the course with her. It is more or less like we are going to do with the other professor. We have learned some things about the life of Maribel, and she knows some things about our lifes.  In conclusion, this class have been very fun, and I think that we are going to learn a lot of things.

The seventh class

We have learned the methodology CLIL, TPR and natural aproach.  CLIL: Is a methodology that you learn at the same time english and other subjetc, like science.  TPR: You have tu use all your sense to learn. With this method the teacher use a lot of music and songs.  Natural aproach: It is the base of all methods in pre-primary. There are some differents: acquisition, learning, monitor hypothesis, natural order hypothesis, input hypothesis and efective filter.  In sum up, I learn a lot of new things in this class, and what is more importatn, I have learned other methods, that are very interesting for my future with children. 

the sixth class

Today in the class we have talked a lot. We have discussed about the article 1, as the day before.  Something interesting about today is that It is the european day of the languages. The professor teach us some ilustration about animals and their sounds, but it depends on the place. For example the dog in Spain si "guau guau" and in "woof woof". At the final of the class, the professor teach us the LOMCE, because even we are teachers of pre-primaty school, we need to know what happen before it.  In conclusion I like this class because we talk a lot about a lot of difference things, and the most important, about the law.